Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jammy Sammys

May has been a slow month. I was beginning to wonder myself if I had run out of new things to buy! But alas - after putting the kid in school, I finally had a chance to stroll through the aisles of Whole Foods without distractions (e.g., carrying a kicking and screaming two-year old) and rediscover the joys of shopping.

My current obsession is with packing preschool lunches. This is a chore and it also feels like the mom is being evaluated when the teacher notes everything you pack for your kid every day. So I was perusing the aisles for easy but healthy foods that I could pack, that the kid would actually eat. This is when I ran into Revolution Foods Jammy Sammys.

I am passionate about peanut butter. I love Reese's peanut butter cups and I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches (with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Trust me, it makes a difference). I have been this way for as long as I can remember. I can't say the same for jelly - that is, until I discovered Goober Grapes. (Research shows... this product was first made in 1968. But then, why was it so popular in the 80's?) Then my love of PB&J evolved into a desperate love affair with the Smuckers Uncrustables, which I am devouring at the speed of at least one a day, minimum.

So although preschool is a nut free zone, I couldn't help but notice this promise of snack-sized PB&J treats that are organic and supposedly healthy. The kid often naps in the car, so I convinced myself it would make for a good snack on the way back home. I couldn't wait for the day to go by, so I had to open a packet and try one for myself.
I think it's really difficult to go wrong with peanut butter. But this was gross. I am clueless as to why Revolution Foods is so popular with foodie moms these days. There was no creamy peanut butter texture or the sweet nutty flavor. All you get is a very bland, gooky bar that is somewhat like a mini Nutrigrain bar but I mean, I think Nutrigrain would get upset at me for comparing it to this thing. It was soft to the touch, so your fingers sink into it, but there's no cream and just a strange colored jelly. Yuck, yuck yuck! I had to swallow a full bottle of water to get the texture/feeling out of my mouth.
Is this concept truly too good to be true? Can anyone please create a lighter, PB&J version of Nutter Butter please?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Yummie Tummies

Of course despite the promise of no spams in your inbox, I get tons, and although most go directly to the trash bin, for some reason, I happened to open an ad with this picture:


Does this really work?
Unless you're an incredibly strong-willed or genetically blessed person, it seems nearly impossible to get rid of the bumps around your waist after giving birth! After months of investing in endermology (with some success but still lacking perfection), I couldn't help but get excited about this product.
The thing is, I have invested in multiple corsets etc in the past but they're all too bulky or uncomfortable to wear regularly. However, this product seemed so wearble - as long as the pictures were real, this seemed like the next best thing to a liposuction!
I finally got mine in the mail, and I can tell you I've put in additional orders in other colors (I bought white - I am adding nude and black).
It absolutely works - especially from the side, the muffin tops are gone. There are two lengths -regular and long - and although they say regular is long enough for most people, I bought the long so that I can wear it layered, or if I don't want the layered look, I can stick it into even low rises without worrying about it popping out. It's more effective on the side than the front, but it's absolutely lightweight, comfortable, wearable, and effective!
It can be a little warm, so I don't know about wearing this in 100 degree weather, but being in the Bay area, that's not a major concern for me, so I'm incredibly happy with my purchase.